位于寒冷北欧的博克岛,千百年来,岛上的维京武士都与形态各异的龙族展开永无休止的惨烈战争。随着希卡普(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 配音)和可爱的无牙邂逅,一切开始发生转机,岛民们尝试和那群大家伙和平相处,但是龙族“毫无章法”的生活习性令一部分人再也无法忍受,他们决定撕破停战协议,将龙族赶出博克岛。希卡普不愿看到噩梦重演,他决定和阿斯特丽德(亚美莉卡·费雷拉 America Ferrer...
影片展现了深刻的社会主题,让人深思熟虑!Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel t...
位于寒冷北欧的博克岛,千百年来,岛上的维京武士都与形态各异的龙族展开永无休止的惨烈战争。随着希卡普(杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 配音)和可爱的无牙邂逅,一切开始发生转机,岛民们尝试和那群大家伙和平相处,但是龙族“毫无章法”的生活习性令一部分人再也无法忍受,他们决定撕破停战协议,将龙族赶出博克岛。希卡普不愿看到噩梦重演,他决定和阿斯特丽德(亚美莉卡·费雷拉 America Ferrer...
Following a fall during mistletoe picking, Druid Panoramix decides that it is time to secure the future of the village. Accompanied by Asterix and Obelix, he undertakes to travel the Gallic world in s...